Natural stone has been an attractive investment for homeowners over the years. It can easily elevate your personal space and, with proper maintenance, last for generations. But, each natural stone has different intrinsic properties. Therefore, you shouldn’t apply the same cleaning and maintenance methods to all natural stones. Knowing which category your countertops fall in allows you to avoid abrasive and harmful agents during cleaning. Below are easy tips on how to keep your natural stone in perfect shape:
Know the Type of Stone
Siliceous and calcareous are the two known natural stones most home remodelers use during countertop installations. Siliceous natural stones contain silica, one of the biggest components of sand, whereas calcareous stones contain calcium carbonate.
How to Maintain Siliceous Stones

Some common siliceous stones include granite, slate, quartzite, and sandstone. These stones are hard, dense, and resistant to stains and scratches. Consider cleaning them with mild acidic solutions to keep them looking great. Use a clean, damp cloth with soapy water. You can take care of each stone with the care it requires, as indicated below:
Maintaining Granite and Quartzite Countertops
Among all the home solution countertops available, granite is one of the easiest natural stones to maintain. The following tips will keep your granite countertops looking terrific and safe from damage.
Clean the Spills
Clean any spoils on your granite or quartzite countertops as soon as they occur. Even if you’ve sealed your surface, leaving spills on the countertops is never wise. Some hazardous spills that could affect the look and longevity of your granite countertops include; wine, tomato juice, cooking oil, and coffee.
Use Cool or Warm Water
Warm water is suitable for cleaning various natural stones, notably granite and quartzite countertops. With warm water, you can clean the surface without causing damage to it. Use a soft cleaning cloth and clean in circular motions to remove any residues.
Maintaining Calcareous Stones

Some of the most popular calcareous stones include limestone, marble, and travertine. Marble is one of the most expensive natural stones due to its availability in many colors, patterns, and styles. It is susceptible to scratches, spills, and stains, but its beauty still makes it one of the best natural stones. The best ways to maintain this stone include:
Sealing and resealing marble stones keeps them in their natural state for a long duration. It protects them from moisture and spills and keeps them looking as bright as they were during the installation. Reseal marble countertops each year to avoid expensive remodeling projects in the future.
Keep the Cleaning Detergents Neutral
Use neutral cleaning products rather than acidic ones. Acidic cleaning products are harsh and can damage the aesthetic of a calcareous stone countertop. Some detergents leave residue on your countertops which could cause long-term problems leading to cracks or stains. Test in a small area first before wiping the entire surface.
Few things are more pleasing than natural stone countertops that look great several years after installation. With proper maintenance and considering the tips discussed above, you will no longer have to worry about stains or cracks on your natural stone countertops.